Wednesday, March 2, 2016

FBI: mistakes that blocked the iPhone San Bernardino – Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published on March 2, 2016 at 13:19 hours.
the last change is the 2 March 2016 at 17:15.

The case Apple-FBI arrives at the Congress. Yesterday was the day of the hearings. And among the things that emerged came confirmation: the FBI has made an error which stopped the backup to iCloud iPhone data of the author of the massacre of San Bernardino. “There ‘s been a mistake made in the 24 attack – said the FBI director James Comey – during which the county, at the request of the FBI, took steps that made it impossible to allow the phone to back up to iCloud. ”

Basically the FBI would attempt to circumvent the safety device iPhone by resetting the password of iCloud. In this way he lost the ability to do a backup once under the wifi network of the terrorists’ house. Comey said the FBI would still have needed to enter into the phone to have all the data. At least this is his conclusion based on previous surveys. 13 are in fact the iPhone for which the agency has asked – in different processes – for Apple to enter the phone.

The Apple Legal Officer reiterated the company’s position by claiming that the FBI is asking Apple to weaken the safety of its products.

The case has become international. It landed in Congress. It could get to the Supreme Court. The final decision will be a major precedent and is necessary because the courts are moving in random order. Two days ago in New York, the judge made a decision contrary to that of the case San Bernardino. In this case it was a matter of drug trafficking: the FBI asked to enter in the iPhone of some suspects, the judge said no. There are parallels, but this time there is no middle terrorism and national security. Certainly it is a precedent that Apple will use in a possible appeal in California.



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