Thursday, March 3, 2016

Far Cry Primal – Review – Stay Nerd

After taking up the reins of an IP born and died within a Crytek , Ubisoft has been able to give it to Far Cry shine it deserves, by transferring the development of the German team to the same of the various Assassin’s Creed interior architects studios (on all the very well known Ubisoft Montreal ). And he did it first with a third chapter frankly very successful, then with a fourth installment perhaps subdued but still full of good ideas and tacked on a captivating and fun gameplay. Between the two outputs, the company has since ventured into DLC Blood Dragon , which with its colors to Kurt Russell saturated testosterone neon gave the brand an even more new and intriguing sap, giving even luster to the thorny territory of DLC.

Far Cry, in short, lives with Ubisoft’s new youth, because of a fan base exponentially amplified and also the will, apparent to us, using the series to try to do something that your competitors adventure firsthand. We approach then in the good intentions rich Primal, glissando for a moment on the association of mind that goes with it to one of the worst moments of the film ( 10,000 BC a bad movie, but ugly ugly) and leaving capturing the courage to set a game to the Mesolithic times. A real unique in offering today’s gaming and, for this reason, something absolutely to experience.

Set in the year 10,000 BC, Far Cry Primal tells of the journey of Takkar , an exile of nearly disappeared tribe Wenja finding himself in to deal with the loneliness and the recent death of the few members of his clan during a hunting trip that will also make us a tutorial. Intent on reaching Oros, a mythical place where, it seems, are more dispersed exiles of his tribe, Takkar will soon become the chief of his clan rebuilt, having to deal with two other warring tribes, the Udam the cold lands of the north, protected the secret to a deadly poison used in the war, and Izila south, just arrived to Oros and the devastating power of the fire holders. Udam and Izila rampant in the region, making war and claiming victims among the few and disparuti Wenja that just under Takkar, you finally take possession of the western areas, by rebuilding their culture and their presence on the territory. In a nutshell, Far Cry Primal begins and ends in these few lines, presenting the player a plot defined and balanced, but a corollary of stories, the completion of which, except in the very first steps, will be entrusted to the fantasy of the player, who will address them in a totally disordered order.

This is one of those cases where the game is not at the service of the story, but rather the opposite, offering the player an adventure completely open world in which the boundaries they are imposed not by gadgets, by the plot or who knows what, but from the pure spirit of survival and the desire to explore. With Takkar can explore right now around the game world, without limitation, if not the capacity, data on the equipment and the skills of your character. The reconstruction of the village wenja, combined with the continuous need to procure materials useful both to the building as to the enhancement of our limited, but efficient, arsenal will be the real backbone of the experience, while also contributing cleanly to give the impression to be really struggling with the needs of a primitive tribe and in symbiosis with nature.


Lower the player in a vivid and lifelike environment, in which a precise chain is even implied by animal world command, has apparently prevented the team to create a plot with accurate head and tail, while not preventing the construction of a group of digital actors fascinating and solid. The world Takkar is tough, primitive, crude, far too drastic in establishing the line between life and death. And so the characters, while following the characterization work so fascinating that so dear to us by the appearance of the unforgettable Vaas Montenegro , are proposed in a new way, thanks to their capacity for language and gesticulation. The Oros language is simple and guttural, mostly accompanied by a marked gesticulation. Ubisoft, to that effect, created an affixed “caveman” language, that we can follow the game only by means of subtitles, a genuinely found apt and logical, which gives the impression to follow, albeit with less excitement, a Apocalypto Random . And so, slowly gathering our wenja, we will add to our ranks some characters, 7 to be precise, fundamental for the economy of the game and assigns a certain number of missions that, in addition to advancing the tales of the above corollary of events , we also will improve our arsenal and our abilities.

Each mission will be available on the map, adding to the already numerous side quests that will arise with increasing population (and often linked to concrete needs of the villagers), the hunting missions, and also to a great number of simple events randomici, making the rich game world of things to do, and with a variety that can keep us alert for 20 hours if good not more. The missions, the world around us, and a huge map (and the extension of which is amplified by the almost constant need to travel on foot) make the immersive and intriguing experience, thanks a level inspired design and intelligent that given the historical context , marries the needs of our wartime enemies with what is the natural scenery, sandwiching huts and shacks in lakes, rivers, and underground mazes, all dropped in a perfect way with a day / night system that not only makes the most difficult survival, also allows a succession of fauna according to game cycles of more than 20 inhabitants creatures in Oros.


the journey bet over time is thus won under the purely theatrical point of view and conceptual, constituting, as mentioned in the introduction, a great variation to the theme of the experience in the first person (or, to put it so petty, FPS) even if, unfortunately, we are far from a perfect game and free from defects. If from the technical point of view we have a few uncertainties, consist mostly of some texture in low resolution (not much when you consider the horizon depth, richness of nature and the framerate granite!) From a gameplay point of view there are a couple of flaws which, unfortunately, affecting not just the gaming experience, especially in the time of our adventure from the beginning to the middle of the game. The problem lies mainly in three concepts: the melee, artificial intelligence and the difficulty of the game. The point is that in spite of the premises, Takkar proves the bearer of a great arsenal, more or less useful for all situations and for how it is unrealistic to believe that the 10,000 a.c. the man was able to create an explosive bomb, we say that we suspend disbelief pleasantly starting the assault on our saber teeth.

However, if ranged weapons do their dirty work longer than good, the problem resides in the club, which in its two versions (one and two hands) is the only member of the dogfight. In these situations – which then correspond to a large part of the game, or at least until the obtaining of quivers to take along more spears and arrows – the game shows its weakness, with the camera and the same game engine that prove unable to remain in the service of clean and clear action. Fight with the club, especially in situations where the enemies are not all visible, it is an experience seasickness, undermined also by feedback collisions simply non-existent, and this is certainly the worst step taken by the development team.


Realistically fight with the club means to press the attack button furiously, hoping to hit something or someone because, if with human enemies is still possible, it becomes a real challenge when it is necessary to reject particularly agile and aggressive animals. If we consider that the game system compels us to procacciaci resources to build autonomously various weapons, and that these same weapons may be carried in limited numbers, it is clear that early in the game the club will prove, much more than in a situation, the only way to make the massacre of the enemies and to defend against animals, causing the game often us highlight his least successful component. Because the root of the problem is how you tried to marry the needs of the setting to the canons of the genre, with what is a result not always efficient.

the situation, as mentioned , it will gradually moderating, though opening up to another problem: that of artificial intelligence. Maybe it is the Mesolithic, but the enemies of Fra Cry Primal really are stupid and the only real danger may be represented by their number or our lack of preparation and also in the advanced stages, where they will be more tough and better organized, the situation will change only slightly, thanks to the advancement of our own character such as to make a real massacre their prehistoric. In the game it is finally possible to train animals, including as many as three legendary beasts particularly efficient in dispensing death. Some of them can be ridden, but the control system, badly borrowed from help system first episode 2:03, fits badly with bears or tigers Ride, thus being clumsy and awkward preferred the slower moving on foot. Wanting to get over, however, the point is that conquered the first most fearsome beasts, such as panthers, tigers but only very common wolves, we will begin to have our ally useful to keep in check opponents who joined to another useful ally, the owl, also allow us to map them from above, or even attack them with grenades flying all too effective. beasts also, among other things, suffer from the “portmanteau” which was mentioned in the previous chapter.

Far-Cry-Primal---- Gameplay Walkthrough-EUROPE.mp4.Still006

In short, arrived at the final stages, when we will have fine weapons flowers and the more rare and powerful beast, the enemies – except in very rare cases – they will prove quite unable to stand in our way, creating a headache often trivial, occasionally confusing. it follows, as intuirete, that the difficulty curve will decline gradually from the middle of the game on, leaving the player only taste of travel and discovery in what is an immense and fulfilling map and this, in spite of everything, it’s a shame because the first few hours, strewn with dangers and hunts, Far Cry Primal transformed into a open world with a certain taste for survival, managing to take back what was the spirit of the original and unforgettable Far Cry. at this point you will find yourself at a crossroads in which the one hand there will be one of the most successful atmospheres of recent years on the gaming scene, from ‘ other a still rich play of outposts, missions and randomici events, but almost completely devoid of charm and perhaps because of this, more inclined to put to your attention all those faults that you had glossed over in the early hours and that there now seem a wee bit longer annoying.


Rating – 7.5






Far Cry Primal is a very brave challenge. After Far Cry 4, blatant attempt to ape the ideas and style of his predecessor, there was a serious danger that a hypothetical Far Cry 5 stemperasse of all the enthusiasm of the players. Choosing instead a setting so atypical that it seems unusual, and focusing attention to aspects of the gameplay members, but not too much, to the philosophy of the third installment, Ubisoft prepares an excellent game. A fun title, convincing and full of things to do, where you can find many of the leitmotif of the original Far Cry, but without the real risk of slipping into a mild commercial gimmick. Far Cry Primal is instead a decent game and personality rich, undermined by defects that are found not so much in the obvious inexperience of the team itself, but to marry some type of mechanical with what is the setting of the game. Far Cry Primal is not then yet another found in FPS sauce, but a game with its own primitive language that deserves a step forward on the road of evolution. As it stands it is still a beautiful sandbox experience capable of pulling stones in what is a soporific market and in obvious decline.

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