Tuesday, March 8, 2016

digital identity at the start, only Pin for 600 public services – ANSA.it

A single password that opens a new identity of the citizen, a digital identity. The acronym chosen is Spid, public system of digital identity. And after announcements, decrees, testing it’s debut. To begin with, 300 are accessible online services, from tax revenue to health care, with a pool of about ten administrations. Anyone who wants to can apply to get the ‘key’. The aim of the Executive is to cover 10 million users within the next year.

From March 15, exactly one week, Tim, the Italian Post Office and Infocert the first digital identities become available, so it is He was chosen the theme song Spid, through which you can access with a single password to the online services of public administration and beyond. And ‘what emerged at the press conference for the launch of the single pin that was held at the Ministry of Public Administration. By June, tells the Agency for Digital Italy “will be more than 600 services which will allow access via

Here are the main ‘warnings’ to Spid.

tHE UNIQUE PASSWORD fOR ALL tHE ‘DOOR’ oN LINE. a single identity that replaces several existing codes, to enter via the web, without having to queue, in public services but also private ones (the challenge it is making sure that the system is extended to all). Just enter your user name and a password of at least eight characters, with some conditions: at least one number and one special symbol (%, #, $ ), never consecutive equal signs, uppercase and lowercase letters. The password should be updated every six months. Will still be the digital identity manager, to detail the standards.

THE SERVICES ON LINE, FROM TAXES TO HEALTH ‘. The services that can be accessed are the public ones: from paying the Tasi the car tax. Even the medical care or INPS dossier can be managed via the web, via PC, tablet or smartphone. The rumors speak for now 114 National Insurance Institute services (redeem degrees, request family allowances), to which are added 103 services Inail (Cud consultation, request bulletins) and many of the Revenue. Then there are six regions ready with some local services: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piedmont, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Marche and Tuscany (with the ability to pay taxes, school canteen and sanitary tickets via Web). But they know dall’Agid, the Agency for Digital Italy, other governments would be ready Tuesday to announce his departure. Among the municipalities to take the lead will be Florence.

THREE LEVELS OF SECURITY, ALSO A KIND OF ‘SMART CARD’. The rules for the implementation of digital identity were signed also by the Privacy Authority, just to ensure confidentiality. With this goal three levels of security, depending on the service they were drawn. At the basic level only serves the unique Pin (username and password), the second step is accompanied by a “one time password” (disposable, like those of home banking), the third adds a kind of “smart card”, a physical media (in the case of operations like the transfer of funds or the exchange of documents with sensitive data).

tHE ‘FACE’ oF SPID, tHE SAME fOR ALL tHE AUTHORITIES. a single pin is also associated with a single link, an ” electronic button marked with a logo, the Spid initials in blue and white. It will not be just a matter of graphics, Agid worked for the system to be simple and accessible for all citizens, from the fact that often the digital services are not exploited because difficult and unclear. The Government is also working to build a mega portal interface for all digital P.a and the project already has a name: Italy login. On the other hand Spid is the spearhead of a new course which also includes the only Registry electronic payments and the digital home.

GETTING THE PIN, AND ‘FREE MAIL OR rECOMMENDED. The Spid arrives for recommended or by mail. But sending will not be automatic, you must apply to the digital identity manager: an operator dedicated, accredited by P.A. and recorded in the appropriate register (for now Tim, Post and Infocert). To obtain the Spid should be given personal details: name, sex, date and place of birth, social security number, details of the identity document, email, mobile phone number. Everything will then be tested (at sight or digital way). The Agid, the Agency for Digital Italy that guides the operations, ensures that the Spid is at no cost (except for the “smart card”).

THE STAGES, STARTING LATE , TIME TRAVEL. the first password was to be released after the summer and it was aimed to already have 3 million users in September last year, then there was a referral. On the other hand is a long phase of testing needed to ensure that the transaction was completed with all the assurances of the case. March should be the right month, view the presentation on the calendar, which was announced by the Minister of P.A. Marianna Madia. Tuesday will be a press conference at Palazzo Vidoni with all major actors, among others, in addition to the Minister, Antonio Samaritans (Agid), Tito Boeri (INPS), Marco Patuano (Tim) and Francesco Caio (Poste). The intent is to accelerate to reach by 2017 to have all public services online.


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