History of the article
This article was published on March 9, 2016 at 11:58 hours.
the last change is the March 9, 2016 at 14:52 hours.
the countdown to the activation of the so-called single pin for accessing services different government departments started. From next March 15 InfoCert, Italian Post and Tim – the top three operators accredited by Agid (the Agency for Digital Italy) – will make available to anyone who requests it the new digital identity (Spid) that can be used instead of old password differentiated depending on the institution or administration. And shortly will add two more managers who are closing the agreement with Agid.
After three years of intensive preparatory work is therefore ready for the new “intellectual infrastructure”, as he called yesterday the Minister for Simplification and Pa, Marianna Madia, allowing citizens and businesses to have a single credential for online services of all the administrations and – in perspective – even private parties joining the Spid system. Yesterday the Ministry of Public Administration, where he was presented the project launch the program, there were the protagonists of this enterprise. With the minister Madia was the CEO of Poste, Francesco Caio, creator of Spid in the guise of “Mister Digital Agenda”, the CEO of Tim, Marco Patuano, and Danilo Cattaneo, Infocert. Present, also the government adviser for innovation, Paolo Barberis, the digital champions Riccardo Luna, Members Stefano Quintarelli, chairman of the Agid Steering Committee, and Paolo Coppola, director of Madia Minister for digitization. “It is not acceptable that the Internet is present in everyone’s life and when you think the public administration will come to mind two” f “: files and folders – said Marianna Madia -. Now with a single pin, a unique identification system, will be able to get the services to the citizens, to exchange data with Pa and use private services. All this to make it as easy country and return time to the citizens. ”
The development plan envisages that by June there will be over 600 services which will allow access via Spid instead of the old password. The first administrations participating in the plan are the Inland Revenue, INPS and INAIL, the three municipalities of Florence, Venice and Lecce, and seven regions: Tuscany, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio , Piedmont and Umbria. Within two years the aim is to spread the new system of “login” to the entire Pa.
The targets are ambitious: six million digital identities issued within the year, “three million new users by 2016 which will add as many past identities, we’re going to recover “through some sort of transformation of the” Id “existing, he explained dell’Agid director, Antonio Samaritans. But it is more than attainable goals according to the number one of Poste, Francesco Caio, who recalled how the company, “has already 400-500mila users who are using App with the Spid mechanism and are all over those 4 million which have all the elements to adopt ‘of the single pin. While the CEO of Telecom Italy, Marco Patuano, announced that the company “will begin to make its 53 thousand employees the first Italian digital city in the sense that for all the Spid will activate within a few months.”
the Spid will be free for at least the first two years, “but it is reasonable to expect that it can be subsequently also” assured Antonio Samaritans. The new digital identity has three levels of security: and the first two, which correspond to the versions with which you can access all the online services, will, in fact, free. There is a third level, associated with a kind of smartcard fee, a system designed especially for professionals.

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