Monday, December 21, 2015

Women genius of robotics: two Italian between the 25 year – The Republic

ARE PART of the special classification because they have made a decisive contribution to robotics. This is why the two Italian Cecilia Laschi Mazzolai and Barbara have returned in the list of 25 brilliant women of 2015. The first, Cecilia, is the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, the second, Barbara, the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) Genoa. Both robot design inspired by nature. The ranking is compiled by RoboHub, the largest international scientific community of robotics experts, and was presented in the world’s largest conference on robotics and automation (Icra).

Cecilia Laschi biorobotics Institute of the Scuola Sant’Anna, He chose the octopus as a model for the first robot made of ‘soft’; Barbara Mazzolai, who coordinates the Center for Micro-biorobotics IIT in Pontedera (Pisa), is responsible for the project Plantoid, the first robot in the world inspired by plants.

The 25 women of robotics “were choices for the sheer brilliance that had to prove to get to the top of their field, “explain managers RoboHub. How Laschi and Mazzolai, are engaged in areas of border, intended to lay the groundwork for future robots. Spring Berman, University of Arizona, plans swarms of robots capable of working in difficult terrain; ethics of robots is committed Kate Darling, MIT; Stéphanie Lacour, EPFL, is planning an artificial human skin in which to place chips.

“Robotics is a fascinating discipline for its interdisciplinary approach and the opportunities it offers in addressing major challenges science and technology and, at the same time, develop applications based on the social and economic needs, “notes Laschi. What’s even more true for biorobotics: “Robots soft, made from soft materials, pose a real revolution.” Mazzolai to “translate the principles that allow the plants to move and perceive the environment in an autonomous robot capable of monitoring the quality of the soil is one of the recent challenges we have set ourselves.” Robots like these, he concludes, will be helpful to the environment, to medicine or to explore other planets.

Italian Institute Technology
Sant ‘ Anna of Pisa
Cecilia loose
barbaric Mazzolai

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