Monday, October 13, 2014

Too much CO2 in the air, in 2050 we will have to say goodbye to the pasta al dente – TGCOM

– As if all the damage caused by global warming were not enough, here’s another consequence that could destroy the fortunes of the main dish of the Mediterranean diet. The pasta al dente in 2050 will be less and therefore hot, sticky, because with the rates of pollution we expected crop yields richer, even 20%, but the wheat will contain less protein, factor in the tightness of the pasta cooking.

Too much CO2 in the air, in 2050 we will have to say goodbye to pasta tooth

Blame CO2 – If the dough will be hot in 2050 will also be the fault of the ozone hole, or rather the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide, estimated an increase of 30% -40% over the next 40 years.

The increase of CO2 is in fact a fertilizer for plants, and among these the grain. The figure emerged from an experiment conducted at the Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture Fiorenzuola d’Arda, in the Piacenza. The research was based on the system Face (open air with CO2 enrichment), in collaboration with the Institute of Biometeorology, National Research Council of Florence.

The study – E ‘ observed the behavior of twelve varieties of durum wheat grown in field conditions in an atmosphere containing about 570 parts per million of CO2, the concentration expected in 2050

The result, say researchers, a “increase in plant biomass and production, but with a lower protein content. To keep the pasta or serve a reduction in emissions or a farsighted genetic improvement.”

Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture
Fiorenzuola d’Arda
Institute of Biometeorology
Cnr Florence

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