Saturday, March 19, 2016

Earth Hour, WWF: 94% Italians worried by climate change – Greenstyle

94% of Italians said he was worried by the climate change . At present the data is the WWF , which at the ‘ Earth Hour 2016 takes stock of what is the awareness of the Italians about the fate of the planet and which are considered the main strategies to be implemented to achieve a real change of course.

the appointment with the Earth Hour 2016 is tonight at 20:30, when the lights of hundreds of squares, monuments and buildings will go dark in support of energy saving and the fight against climate change. Slogan of this edition of the Hour of the Earth is “We turn off the lights to turn on the change.”

Coming to the data provided by the WWF ‘ Institute GfK , who made the’ survey, 73% of Italians climate change is a problem “very serious”. Percentage splashing up to 94% by adding the figure for those who responded “quite serious”. Opinions that exceed the political differences they see in the first row secondary school students and adults between 45 and 55 years.

88.5% of respondents (especially young people 14-24 years) sees then as the main cause of climate change man’s actions, while only 6% are those who believe that there is no correlation between human activities and global warming. Positive is the comment of the Italians with regard to willingness to change their habits in favor of a more effective fight against greenhouse gas emissions (85%). A defined availability “accentuated” by 36% (much or very much), while for 49% it is more limited (enough) despite favorable anyway.

Worries Italians the eve of Earth Hour 2016 l ‘ information disseminated by the media, considered unsatisfactory by 36% ( “little or no” information). Is generally called for more effort to study, especially by the press and television channels.

An invitation to the Italian Government to reflect on their energy strategy that ultimately comes from the answers to the question about who are the subjects most active in the fight against climate change . According to the answers given by respondents to GfK for the 61% are the environmental groups , followed by the EU with 36%. Just 15% for the Executive led by Matteo Renzi and large companies, which exceed very little oil multinationals (13%).


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