Unbelievable what happened to Grimsby (England), where a held has seen fit to escape the daily routine reviewing the “four-star” cell where he was. Christian Willoughby , this is the ninth man in doing what he thought of throwing down a comprehensive account of the services offered by imitating the famous TripAdvisor .

the room in which he stood was a Christian of the police station cell Grimsby , actually very well in terms of comfort. So man has painstakingly photographed the entire room, with details of the read and Bath , even going so far to load images of Breakfast – appropriately also commented.

once the work review , the detainee has loaded the fruit of their work Facebook , and his post went viral in no time. The police then announced that Mr. Willoughby was in detention at the police station due to infringement to the regime of probation .



However, the man has made known his desire to back in the cell assessed in such a positive way. Under the review, the review of the detainee was as follows: “ I gave 4 stars to this place. The breakfast kept me to give him something extra. Apart from that, the staff is friendly. “

“I had my suite, and even the Butler … who came to me with tea and newspapers. The room was pretty. I appreciated the minimalist touch. It was very safe … Four-layer glazing and security door. The ideal place to relax is a hard day. I will most definitely . “

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