Friday, July 1, 2016

Apple, Tidal and Spotify: the game of thrones music streaming gets tough –

Acquisition of Tidal and quarrel with Spotify: Apple Music moves to consolidate its profile


You restarted the music streaming war . Or, perhaps, he was never interrupted. The kings of the digital distribution of songs have never stopped working to gain ground. Now he battles again. The main character, the one that moves to oust from Spotify throne, seems to be Apple. Two news, following the announcement of the Apple Music redesign, scheduled for autumn with IOS 10 and the new MacOS.

The first, in some ways, the most glaring: Apple would be in talks to buy Tidal: confirms an article in the Wall Street Journal. The rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z has acquired the streaming service from the Norwegian Aspiro in 2014, and raised in a big way: a mega launch event with the pop star, and an exclusive behind the other (the last : catalog of Prince and Beyoncé’s “visual album”). The service has reached 4 million subscribers, but Jay-Z is trying to sell it for a while ‘: it was about Samsung, then it slipped away.

What would Apple Music now has 11 million subscribers? The added values ​​are two. The first is the high fidelity: makes Tidal stream that goes beyond the basic quality of the competitors. But this is not a weapon of mass, only attracts the niches: the digital hi-fi never became really popular despite Neil Young, Pono and everything else. And then there’s the catalog and exclusive : licenses with record companies and artists, in an acquisition, should be renegotiated, but bring Jay-Z and his court on their side would be quite a coup . It is becoming more and more even in music the “windowing”, the granting of “window” periods of exclusive : eliminating a competitor such as Tidal, getting its proposals and its agreements, would increase Apple’s Music Profile . After all, even Beats Music was acquired in 2013 not only for the technology – which then was built Apple Music – but also to bring in Cupertino the managerial talent of people like Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine, Trent Reznor.

the second news is the quarrel with Spotify , which Apple accused of blocking an update of your application for iOS. The object of contention are the subscriptions: Apple required a 30% for each purchase in-app , which must have the same cost as those offered elsewhere. It does not allow developers to target out from the app users to make purchases. All things that Spotify has tried to do in his app with banner advertising and pushing users to buy subscriptions on its website, to get the full gain. Apple’s guidelines for apps are very strict, are often criticized by small and medium developers, but have been known for years. Spotify but this time, with all his weight, he decided to accuse Apple of unfair competition.

The subtext is clear: Apple is trying to consolidate its position in different ways. Others are not watching. Google has partnered with LyricFind to display song lyrics directly in searches. Clicking on the preview of the text, guess what ‘, you end up on Google Play, with a proposal to buy the song or subscribe to streaming.

In short, as in the “Game of Thrones” season finale , we have different kings aspirants who are sharpening their swords, sailing with their own ships or marching to the conquest of the music public. And we will see more of the beautiful, be assured

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