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If the heyday Funai came to market 15 million VCRs a year , in 2015 the figure fell to 750 thousand units. The technology and its progress is relentless and sooner or later it had to happen: in the space of 35 years years cassettes were replaced first by the DVD optical discs and then the Blu-ray system.
first video recorders from the second half of the 50s . Among the first to put them on the market was the Ampex VRX-1000 with the device, the first VCR to widespread commercial use. A major breakthrough came in 1967 with the first silent VCR that allowed you to play audio without noise thanks to Ray Dolby. Always in the late ’60s it was responsible for the turnover of the big tape recorders with the U-matic Sony permettevs that record with the first compact cassette containing a tape of 3/4 inch. The domestic VCR accessible to the general public was launched in 1972 and was the N1500 Philips.
You close an era, therefore, that of a technological device that has known peak sales in the 80, gradually replaced in ’90 to be completely forgotten in the third millennium. Today, instead of recording first-run movies or long-awaited television series, you can connect to platforms such as Netflix, where audiovisual content coming on TV – and PCs, tablets and smartphones – through the Internet connection.
the Funai, which since 1983 produces VCRs both under its own brand both on behalf of other companies including Sanyo, gives up just to the physiological decline in sales: the issue has been made untenable even the difficulty of finding some of the components necessary to production.
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