Monday, July 11, 2016

Eye to smartwatch: could unravel the pin of the ATM – Wall Street Italian

NEW YORK (WSI) – With the development of the new technologies are refined the techniques of criminals and bad guys to steal our accounts. The latest warning comes for smartwatch owners who will want to pay close attention when you wear it and use it as it may be able to know and reveal the pin of our ATMs.

The warning a research conducted by the Binghamton University, n he Use, funded in part by the National Science Foundation and the Army Researche Office, according to which the smartwatch sensors are able to capture the movements of the hand and are so well precise to allow delinquents and criminals to reproduce gestures made on the keyboard of an ATM and then access a checking account and steal all our savings.

the research was conducted by three different tests of security systems, including the ATM and placed under observation the movements of 20 people recorded using accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers integrated in wearable devices for a period of 11 months, regardless of the position of the hand. I researched the US have used an algorithm that has proven able to decipher the passwords for the input system of secret codes, including ATMs. In 80% of the test cases revealed that the security code can be typed just a hacker could infect the virus smartwatch via Bluetooth connections and or intercept thus gaining possession of sensitive data such as Pin code of the ATM.

As a solution to avoid all this? The researchers at Binghamton University team was not able to give an answer but it does provide a hint to developers of wearable devices ie to pay more attention to the implementation of encryption systems to ensure greater security in communication between wearable and operating system.


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