The Transport Authority has issued a circular which states that Uber Driver, ie employees of Uber, should not work more than 15 hours per week and must be enrolled in a registry-based Regional. The Authority also has also determined that the Uber Driver must not exceed a certain annual income. The three reached the important directives Authority, regulating the profile of the driver of the known system Uber and clearly with the rules link to his actual recognition as a figure made of professional and register with.
The decision of ‘ Transport Authority welcomes, therefore the objections that it had raised in the aftermath of the Uber discussed judgment in which the Court of Milan, on May 26, had branded as unfair competition from Uber, recognizing the reasons for the taxi drivers.
At this point the cards back again to mix. The Authority, for its part, has just merely applied what had already been established by the European Commission, the possibility of integrating the free Uber to enter the market of passenger transport by car, with some simple rules regarding the working conditions of employees of the group. Clearly unhappy with the decision dell’Autority is Zac De Kievit , legal Uber Europe, for which the Authority’s decision does is apply the law fairness and free competition established at European . The Italian law, therefore, turn to the European regulations as the block of Uber is nothing but a violation of free competition in Europe (and this consideration was behind the decision today Italian)
Decision on the note app will reopen the front of fight of taxi drivers and reignite a series of controversies that apparently had subsided after the decision of the Enterprise Section of the Court of Milan. The stakes introduced dall’Autority seem to be a kind of generic regulation that paves the way all’inconfutabile recognition of the right of Uber to operate competing with taxi.
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