Saturday, June 6, 2015

Google Patents contact lenses that scan the iris – The Republic

PATENT was filed by none other than Google and refers to contact lenses that scan the iris and can be used in “systems and methods associated with the identification and the ‘authentication’ how to unlock the phone or open the door. After password and fingerprint, then, the future of authentication may be the eyes. The new contact lenses will be able to scan the iris and recognize the user. For the company of Mountain View sector is not new. Along with the pharmaceutical company Novartis is in fact working on contact lenses designed for people with diabetes, can monitor glucose levels in the blood.

But the iris does not seem to be the last frontier of recognition: a US university , the Binghamton, in the state of New York, is working on an identification system that uses the footprint of the brain, or rather, the way in which each human mind reacts in a unique way to a series of stimuli. In research published in the journal Neurocomputing , experts have subjected 45 volunteers to a list of 75 acronyms, with three sensors monitoring the area of ​​the brain that reads and recognizes words. The experts found a significant difference in cognitive reactions of the participants in each acronym, so that the computer was able to identify people with an accuracy of 94%.

According to experts, the imprint the brain would have an advantage over digital: the latter, if it is stolen, it can not be canceled, while the footprint of the brain can be “reset” by changing the incentives.

mountain view
ocular recognition
biometric recognition


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