Milan , June 5, 2015 – 10:01
Technology runs. Lawmakers can stop it or groped to keep up. According to the Transport Authority, the Parliament should adopt the second approach. With a warning that comes just days before the block UberPop by the Court of Milan, he invites the Authority to update the 1992 law in the light of new habits of those who move to the city. An increasing number of individuals who decide to share the car and the same traditional categories, such as professional drivers, have found new life in the commercial real-time call from your smartphone. Increase the offer and there is inevitably those who are afraid of having to share the application. Taxi drivers, for example, the Authority reserves but openings like the ability to make concessions. In short, softer borders for all: “It is a very positive opinion, not only for us but also for economic and ecological mobility concept”, comments to BBC the number one Uber in Italy Benedetta Arese Lucini.
It is also satisfied with the limits proposed for UberPop as 15 hours maximum weekly activity citizen-drivers?
“Yes, it is consistent with the idea that we always promoted: not a profession itself. More than 50% of those who give with steps UberPop sees it as a part-time commitment and to achieve a specific goal. I also support the idea of establishing a register of non-professional drivers who is not the most suitable will be recruited from other platforms. Greater transparency will benefit customers, who are not the same people who are turning to traditional services but are those who seek Community solutions and sharing. ”
We speak of really sharing is when the driver is platform make profit?
“You have to understand what is meant by sharing economy. There are different types: the bank’s time, free of charge, there BlaBlaCar that helps share the cost of travel or UberPop putting on the whole well plate. It creates a market for consumer people. Then there are companies that decide to build a business, as we that we hold a 20% commission, or actually how BlaBlaCar applying lower rates but have less checks on drivers. ”
Yesterday was a good day, but the situation remains complicated both in Italy in other countries.
“We regret the decision of the Court of Milan and we will appeal, because during Expo impact on the increasing number of foreigners who use the app. From May, compared to March, we saw an increase of 50%. We remain optimistic: the European Commission has asked Member States to ensure proportionality and non-discrimination in regulating services such as Uber and the United States we have seen that you need two years to adapt. Here we are about half-way. ”
You are, and you’re the first person, victims of aggressive protests but have an approach just as hard to encourage this adaptation.
“In just five years we have become a society of 3 thousand people in 58 countries, but we have always acted like a startup that can be aggressive to change the world . We had an attitude a bit ‘closed on data and there was the slip of the monitoring of journalists, but internally we have a culture and wonderful people. Maybe we made some mistakes in communication, but the ultimate goal has always been to help the community. “
future objectives which are they?
” We are focusing on the logistics and parcel delivery by bike, active in New York, and that of food, active in 5 cities, including Barcelona. This second service, UberEats, could land in Italy between 2015 and 2016. In a little ‘over the years will also come driverless car: we are working on many players in the market and we do not want to be outdone. ”
June 5, 2015 | 10:01

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