Google launches a panel for advanced management of personal data and a site that provides all the answers on issues related to privacy and security.
During the Google I / O 2015 was staged last week, the group of Mountain View announced important news related to the management of personal data in the operating system Android M: users will be able to decide what permissions to assign or deny the app. Over the weekend the search engine unveiled two initiatives that are part of the same perspective, aimed at providing a greater control on regarding privacy .
My Account
Reachable at, My Account is an interface through which you can control all the settings related to privacy and security. A kind of dashboard for quick access to everything about their online presence, of course, for the account of Google : the search history to stream video views on YouTube, from the server Now to advertising, not to mention the ability to disable at any time the permissions provided to apps and third-party sites. Here is the list of features offered by the panel.
- Check the privacy and security with simple guides for the management of the main settings.
- To manage what information related to Research, Maps, YouTube or other services can be used to enhance the experience of Google. For example, you can enable or disable the search history of Google and YouTube, and those related to specific applications. If activated, the history can provide the most relevant results and faster. You can also toggle the history of the places visited, allowing Google Maps and Google Now to provide tips for optimizing the way home.
- Use the tool setting ads, to manage the interest-based advertising and the research carried out.
- Check which applications and sites are linked to the account.
This page allows you to quickly access settings and tools that allow you to protect data and privacy. You can also decide how to use your information to make the tools and services of Google more useful for you.

The main screen of personal Google account
Answers in privacy and security
The other initiative fielded by Google refers to a site in which it was collected all popular answers on privacy and Security . In this case the main objective is to inform the user, for example, making him aware of what are the methods of data processing, how the company takes care of them through the use of encryption, if the information is sold, and more. To see all the questions just a click to the address

Google: answers about privacy and security
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