Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Facebook changes algorithm, goodbye to post a “catch clicks” – Corriere della Sera

Look at the amazing images, Clamoroso! Click here to see … And again: Scandal! Here’s what has made this a political or Hot! Want to see this actress nude bea? At this garbage that runs mostly on social we become accustomed. But now something might finally change. Yes, because Facebook has declared war on the click baiting (publishing content with titles and squeals that exaggerate the content to entice users to click on the link). This type of content, in general, become viral since they attract the attention of users. But often they do not offer quality content or to match the title. Sometimes they also contain spam and virus.Da time anyone involved in web marketing knows this mechanism and exploits it to his advantage. A typical example, in Italy, is the blog of Beppe Grillo and the associated platform Tze Tze whose contents are disseminated on social in this way to increase traffic, however, charge that the people involved do send back to the sender.

Whatever it is curious users are clicking them without their knowledge, and become the means of spreading hoaxes, news distorted or exaggerated. Tactic – a duty to say – even for several newspapers and media outlets.

Zuckerberg and his associates should be realized that this type of content in the long run make users and consequently damaging ads advertising. Not surprisingly, recently, in the United States has been much discussion of how little news related to Ferguson comparissero on message boards. And not only that. In the days following the beheading of Foley, as we wrote here, we became aware of how great the responsibility of the giants of the tech in the spread and control of the news circulating in the network. Morale, from Menlo Park decided to modify the algorithm to NewsFeed, the flow of news that appears to users. Just junk content and headlines like “You’ll never guess which celebrity they quarreled on the red carpet.” If a title or a shriek are misleading, that post will not be “encouraged”. The criteria to award the spread of certain post rather than the other will be the time spent reading a news story and the number of shares, and interactions with the link after you open it. “If users click on an item and spend time in reading it means that the content is valid. If you click on an external content to the social network and immediately return to the platform means you have not found what you were looking for, “explains Khalid El-Arini eJoyce Tang, respectively researcher and product specialist for Facebook. “When we asked in a survey to our users what kind of content they preferred to see in their News Feed – add – 80% of the time they said they prefer titles that help them decide if they want to read the whole article before you click it.”

In this newly Zuckerberg and his associates have also established another change, for now in the testing phase. That is, it was decided to introduce an alert (warning) indicates that if a post contains buffaloes, satire or fake. The change was necessary after it became clear account of how the news spread like false to be true by users. Too often sites like Onion were reproduced and cited as reliable sources while disseminating false information with intent clearly ironic or satirical. But that’s not all. Another new arrival in regard to the way in which you view the link in the post and the pictures. If your photos are in fact a pull factor, as amply demonstrated by today Facebook will reward the shared content with an image, but also with a brief preview of the text (Format links, see the first image below) at the expense of the link caption (ie the only post with image and link, see the second image below).

In the face of these changes, however, are not without controversy, as pointed out by, among others, Forbes. It is striking that once Facebook would arrogate to himself the right (and responsibility) to decide which information and news vehicles. Although no wonder the crackdown, given the recent investment in the sector of information by Menlo Park as in the case of Paper. There are some who doubt the validity of the criterion time. If in fact a short article requires less stay on the page, this will be disadvantaged by the algorithm. Too bad though not necessarily a short article it is less quality a longer one.



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