NEW YORK – The administrator Apple Tim Cook , has launched an attack not too veiled to Facebook, Google and other technology companies in Silicon Valley arguing that “stuff themselves” of personal data of their users, and anything you may know about them to make profits. Speaking from Washington DC, the number one of the Cupertino giant has recalled (without mentioning directly the two groups) that people may not be brought about to strike a balance between “security and privacy”. Cook has lashed out at groups that build their business on the fact that users do not get involved in how they manage their data. “We know we do not want to be this kind of society,” he said. As written by Techcrunch, Cook was also added, before getting off the stage, “Apple does not want your data.” “It is encouraging to hear that Apple claims to collect less information about its users than do its competitors, “said Richard Tynan nonprofit privacy international at bbc. “However, we have not given enough light on the actual implementation of this announcement regarding the sectors hardware, software and online,” said the activist.
- Arguments:
- apple
- privacy
- silicon valley
- cupertino
- Starring:
- Richard Tynan
- tim cook

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