It seems to have been made a truly momentous discovery, that of a planet very similar to Earth orbiting the nearest star, which is Proxima Centauri.Stando to what emerged it seems this is a planet external to the solar system closest to us ever discovered, really a milestone for humanity, these are the statements made by astronomer Isabella Pagano, Observatory d Catania Istituto Nazionale Astrophysics.
a truly unique event that of the discovery mady of this new planet. “having proved that the closest star to us is a planet in the area where there may be liquid water and where the temperature could be ideal for the existence of life forms “, h in added Isabella Pagano who added that this discovery is the real highlight of a really pretty long chase, which lasted exactly 16 and conducted by the Earth through the telescope of the ‘ European Southern Observatory in Chile, La Silla.e “Proxima Centauri is an active star with solar flares of energy loads. For this we are not able to say if indeed the planet èabitabile, conditions because it is theoretically exist, but to learn more you should observe the planet as it transits against its parent star, “in so many have tried to do it, but without success “, he said Pagano.
it seems that the most fascinating aspect of the discovery, is the distance from the our Earth only 4, 2 years light; so far all discovered planets are found at a distance d the bargain impossible and although some of these presentassero characteristics similar to Earth apparently had certainly not the conditions that today presents the planet of Proxima Centauri, which is not yet knows the name.
“We believe that the planet still unnamed and is similar to Earth orbiting Proxima Centauri at a distance that would allow you to have liquid water on the surface, an important requirement for the creation of life, “reported the tabloid Der Spiegel, who did not wish, however, reveal the source of this rivelazione.Bisogna also say ch and Proxima Centauri has always been in the crosshairs of astronomers and researchers for more than a century and still is believed to be part of a star ternary system in the complex of Alpha Centauri.Intervenuto in this regard also the professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who explained : “the existence of a possible planet around Proxima Centauri is very exciting. it would be appropriate to also look at nearby systems. We know there are many extrasolar planets around other nearby stars, and it is very likely that the Alpha Centauri system has also the Planets “ .The discovery is published in Nature by the group led by Queen Mary University of London.
from the genius who occupied the chair at Cambridge Sir Isaac Newton would He must expect everything. And who knows if Stephen Hawking, among many predictions, had not already guessed the discovery of a planet in a nearby star system to us, as to design a shuttle (see Breakthrough project Starshot with the Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and the patron Facebook Mark Zuckerberg) to reach in a relatively short time? the doubt remains, the only sure thing, and officially announced yesterday in Germany by scientists ESO (European Southern Observatory), it is that this planet really exists and that is extraordinarily close to us: just 4.23 years light.
rumors, gossip summer, beach chatter. He thought all this only a few days ago, when the discovery of a planet near the star Proxima Centauri system was announced on the Great Net. But what had been considered real nonsense have turned out true gospel. the first comment came from Italian Isabella Pagano, astronomer of the Observatory of Catania INAF (national Institute for astrophysics). “it is the outer planet closest to us ever discovered solar system, is a milestone for humanity. It is a truly unique event – said the researcher – it was finally proved that the closest star to us is a planet in the zone where liquid water could exist and where the temperature could be ideal for the existence of schemes of life. ” The planet already has a name, it was called Proxima b.
It should have a mass similar to that of the Earth or slightly larger. “What we do know with certainty is that it is a small planet, rocky, in the so-called habitable zone, that is the right distance from the star to have liquid water. But it is also true – has commented the astronomer of the Observatory of Catania-which Proxima Centauri is an active star with solar flares of energy loads. For this we are not able to say if indeed the planet is a living “.The discovery was already published in the journal Nature by the astronomers group coordinated by Queen Mary University of London.
The star in the constellation the centaur is too faint to be seen with the naked eye and, as mentioned, is located close to much brighter pair of stars known as Alpha Centauri AB. “The first hints of a possible planet – told the ESO project coordinator, Guillem Anglada-Escudé – had been known for several years and were observed again in 2013, but the survey was not convincing. Since then we have worked hard to get more observations from the ground with the help of the Ex instrument and other telescopes scattered in various parts of the world. A careful analysis of the small Doppler shifts – he continued – has shown the presence of a planet with a mass at least 1.3 times that of Earth, orbiting at about 7 million kilometers from the star Proxima Centauri, only 5% of the Earth-Sun distance with a revolution period of nearly 12 days. ” It must be said that the star is much smaller than the Sun, it is a red dwarf and then its eventual end of habitability is less distant than our own. “Although the planet orbits much closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun – has admitted its Escude -, it is a weaker long the subject of much of our star and the result is that Proxima b lies well within the parameters of the habitable zone, with a surface temperature estimated that would allow the presence of liquid water. “
the search for exoplanets thus continues at full speed. It seemed that with the discovery of HD 219134b, a planet in the constellation Cassiopeia, that is approximately 20 light years, you had to wait much longer before finding an object even closer to us. The discovery of Proxima b opens unimaginable scenarios and subverts the current thinking. We now know that there are more planets than stars.
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