On the evening of December 31 WhatsApp is completely gone haywire, not giving the possibility to receive and send messages. For many The outage lasted for several hours , for some even until tomorrow. Many people throughout Europe, the US and Canada have lived moments of apprehension for the disruption, assuming that you could be treated to terrorism or accidents related to fireworks.
In fact it was not any of that, but only a disservice application instant messaging, WhatsApp property of Facebook.Il reason? That seems to cause the application to crash was simply a overcrowded lines, many people wanted to send cards through the application and so the server at around 17 31 has started to bear first problems. In many reported the problem on social networks, and while on the one hand there were the users in a panic because the application still does not show signs of life, the other members were not happy to not have to lovers of the application respond to New Year’s greetings.
“Many people have had problems in access to WhatsApp for a short period today. We are working to restore service to 100% for all c apologize for the inconvenience “, reads the statement released on the day of December 31. The application basically could not connect to Internet and then to take charge of posts by other users, and still the problem occurred with both devices connected to the network through the jewel that wi fi to a home station.
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